It is the sole purpose of WVFF Radio (Veterans for Truth) to provide the local community with family friendly entertainment, news, weather and educational information. With today's hyper inflated political media and the moral decay in Hollywood, the TRUTH sometimes gets diluted or even factually corrupted beyond any semblance of what truth actually is supposed to be, the real facts. WVFF Radio has no political agenda beyond restoring America, or at least the local communities we serve, back to the historic American values, moralities, and civic responsibilities that were so present in our parents and their parents. By providing family friendly entertainment across the airways and thoughtful commentary about day to day situations concerning our lives and communities, it is our goal to entertain as well as provoke conversation and dialog always with constitutional values as the guide. The words of John Adams our second president, "This constitution is wholly inadequate to govern any other than a moral people", dictates a duty to all Americans to maintain a level of decency and morality in order to insure the Government of the people, by the people, for the people, shall not perish from the earth.
501(C)(3) nonprofit organization